Welcome to International Suicide Prevention
Self help suicide prevention

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ISP is a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit. Servicing the needs of
those that are suffering from intense emotional pain since 2006.

Our NEW Initiative to lower
Get involved today!
Awareness is not enough!
Now there is awareness that
 comes with

First Self-Help for the suicidal
'Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet'
) In 9 languages.


Real Self-Help online and FREE
4 Phase addressing
the cause of depression,
anxiety, P.T.S.D., and
suicidal thoughts.

4 Phase

To contact (ISP)
Phone: 702 743 4340

To make a donation
supporting suicide prevention



We believe suicide is a preventable cause of death.

Depressive disorders are a significant public health issue effecting 350,000,000 people worldwide, about 1/5 of the world population. World Health Organization (WHO).

Emotional Memory Removal (EMR)
SELF-HELP procedure

ISP has a self-help pocket "Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet"

At the end of the (S.P.G.B.) is a self-help procedure called EMR.
Also, see the bottom of this page in the solutions section 4 Phase.

| click on picture to read |


The 'Suicide Prevention Guide Booklets' has been translated into the following languages:
| About our translators |

| Booklet endorsements | 

Rotary Endorsement
*Andrea Emilio Salvi M.D. – Rotary Club Dalmine Centenario, Italy PHF

The President of International Suicide Prevention is a proud member
of the Rotary Club of Dalmine Centenario, Italy.
Facebook |
Rotary Club Facebook page 2042 |
Website |
E-Club 2042 Rotary |


4 Phase procedure for depression, anxiety, P.T.S.D., and suicidal thoughts.

This is our favorite procedure as it is for all ages (even children). For removing the cause of depression, anxiety, P.T.S.D., and/or suicidal thoughts.  This procedure can also be self-administered4 Phase is quick, free, anonymous and permanent.
| 4 Phase | (Also available in Russian, and Italian)

| click on picture |

4 Phase

ISP utilizes 5 techniques to address the cause of suicidal thoughts. All can be administered to someone else, and are easily taught to others. Two of these techniques can be self-administered bypassing the main reason individuals will not seek help, stigma.

The materials on this website are for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


| To make a Donation |
Partnership to print self-help booklets (S.P.G.B.)

All donations are tax deductible, (ISP) is a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit
tax ID: 20-4671131


View Matthew D. Dovel's LinkedIn profileMatthew D. Dovel, president of ISP and, International Suicide Prevention Expert.

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International Suicide Prevention (ISP) a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit
1736 E. Charleston Blvd., #301 Las Vegas, NV 89104 702 743 4340







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