ISP is a
501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit. Servicing the needs of
those that
are suffering from intense emotional pain since 2006.
to lower
Get involved today!
Awareness is not enough!
Now there is awareness that
comes with
First Self-Help for the suicidal
'Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet'
(S.P.G.B.) In 9 languages.

Real Self-Help online and
(4 Phase) addressing
the cause of depression,
anxiety, P.T.S.D., and
suicidal thoughts.

4 Phase
Suicidal: All Data provided by Google.
International Suicide Prevention
Updated on September 1, 2015
Suicide facts taken from
Suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000
Americans every year.
Many who attempt suicide never seek professional care.
There are twice as many deaths due to suicide than HIV/AIDS.
Between 1952 and 1995, suicide in young adults nearly tripled.
Over half of all suicides occur in adult men, ages 25-65.
For young people
15-24 years old, suicide is the second leading cause of death.
15% of those who are clinically depressed die by
There are an estimated 8 to 25 attempted suicides to 1
Suicide can be prevented through education and
public awareness.
From the website

A message from the President of
International Suicide Prevention
"Since May 30th, 1987 when I
attempted suicide, I have made it my life mission to understand
how someone could become suicidal, and new ways to help someone
when it happens."
"My experience has shown that
given the right situation and/or circumstance anyone could
become suicidal."
The horrific facts are:
On average, 1 active duty
military person commits suicide each day.
On average, 23 Veterans
commit suicide each day.
18% of
high school students admit to contemplating suicide. That’s about 1
out of every 5 teens!
It is estimated that one
million people commit suicide around the world.
"Awareness campaigns that only
offer solutions like; cognitive therapy, medication,
hospitalization and stigma are useless. The official
classification for experiencing suicidal thoughts is 'mental
illness'. Most consider mental illness as something bad
and/or incurable. Even though this is a false belief, most
believe that it is true."
"I'm an activist, and sitting
around waiting for someone to do something about the suicide
rates is never going to happen. That is why I work every day to
educating, raise awareness, and working on new creative ways to
help those that are suffering from depression, anxiety, P.T.S.D.,
bipolar and suicidal thoughts. According to the Pentagon the
cause of suicidal thoughts is experiencing intense emotional
"I'm not perfect, not the
smartest guy on the planet, I make mistakes (just ask my wife)
but, each suicide listed in statistics is not a number to me.
Each suicide is a human being, husband, wife, grandparent, or
child. I'm deeply effected by ever suicide I hear about.
I will not rest until every person on the planet understands how
the memory process works, and that there is now free self-help
to desensitize any trauma from a persons past."
Matthew Dovel, President of
International Suicide Prevention.
2014/2015 data for those seeking, and getting, the
first of its kind, self-help to address depression, anxiety, P.T.S.D.
and suicidal thoughts. (see graphics below).
Data provided by Google
Web site visitors December 12,
2014 through July 23, 2015.

(Dip on December 23, 2014 attributed
to tracking being upgraded)
Visitors to
Supportisp.org seeking self-help with EMR and 4 Phase
Ages of those
seeking self-help for suicide prevention.

Ages of those visiting
Gender of
those seeking self-help for suicide prevention.

Suicide Prevention
ISP 24/7 Hotline
Calls vs. Website Visitors
At the end of October 2014 '4 Phase'
self-help was posted
as an OPEN SOURCE suicide prevention option
Website visitors are up 11,000% October 2014
Suicide Callers has dropped 88% since October
Click on images to see more statistics

July 1st through September 2015
Suicide Prevention 24/7
Hotline intake vs. website visitors
To make a Donation |
Partnership to print self-help
booklets (S.P.G.B.)
All donations are tax deductible, (ISP) is a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit
Matthew D. Dovel,
president of ISP and, International Suicide Prevention Expert.
The President of International Suicide
Prevention is a proud member
of the Rotary Club of Dalmine Centenario, Italy. |
facebook page
Website |
E-Club 2042 Rotary
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Suicide Prevention (ISP) a 501(c)(3) public charity
nonprofit 1736 E. Charleston Blvd., #301 Las Vegas, NV 89104 702
743 4340 Copyright�2006