ISP is a 501(c)(3) public charity
nonprofit. Servicing the needs of those that are suffering from
intense emotional pain since 2006.
Self-Help for the
suicidal S.P.G.B.,
and now 4 Phase.
4 Phase
Active Duty United States Military:
Active duty 1,400,000 reservists 800,000
of which, on average, 1 commit suicide and
23 attempt daily.
We can be doing better, more than we are! And, now
there is a way you can get directly involved to make a difference.
You, your work, agency, town, city, state,
can raise one dollar? One dollar helps one soldier get sent
the NEW self-help "Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet"!
Endorsed by mental health professionals, doctors, and advanced
behavioral studies experts as a viable solution to drastically reduce
suicide rates.

A suicide
prevention self-help guide pocket booklet that can reduce or desensitize
the emotions attached to a perceived traumatic experience or future
anxiety creating incident, and it can change current behaviors through
healthy new living habit techniques.
An unconventional holistic
approach to address a human condition with easy to follow instructions
- How to reduce suicide rates
- Methods for promoting healthy mental behavior
- How to identify an at risk individual
- Procedures for reducing and/or eliminating
suicidal thoughts
To make a Donation |
Community partners needed for self-help
to be printed
and distributed.
All donations are tax deductible, (ISP) is a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit
Matthew D. Dovel,
president of ISP and, International Suicide Prevention Expert. |
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ISP home
Suicide Prevention (ISP) a 501(c)(3) public charity
nonprofit 1736 E. Charleston Blvd., #301 Las Vegas, NV 89104 702
743 4340 Copyright�2006