Free online Suicide
Prevention class
Suicide Prevention Guide Booklet (S.P.G.B.)
Online suicide prevention training, Classes,
Workshops, and Lectures.
emergency policies and procedures for addressing suicidal
(1) hour online suicide prevention
training $499.00 with certificate.
Included in course:
New prescreening procedures.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
suicide hotline use.
One on one training with follow up phone
(2) hour online suicide prevention
training $950.00 with certificate.
Included in course:
New prescreening procedures.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
suicide hotline use.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
suppressed memory recall.
One on One training with follow up phone
(5) hour online suicide prevention
training $2,599.00 with certificate.
Included in course:
New prescreening procedures.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
suicide hotline use.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
suppressed memory recall.
Advanced neuropsychology procedure for
P.T.S.D., Bipolar and manic disorders.
One on One training with follow up phone
On-site training, lectures, workshops and
[Call 702 743 4340 for special pricing]
All scheduling, concerns, and questions;
Point of contact Matthew Dovel
phone: 702 743 4340

Free online training course ]